
Funny words for pussy
Funny words for pussy

The words and expressions in this blog are extremely common and are used by people from all walks of life. If you truly believe that: “Words like these are most often expressed either in anger, or disrespect towards another person and have no place in daily conversation.” then your knowledge of Italy is obviously extremely limited. Our blog is about the real everyday Italy, inhabited by people of all kinds, and of all levels of education. Have any of you had any embarrassing moments with Italian sexual euphemisms? Please Dear RC, if you want to read the usual pretty blogs about Italy, that describe jolly Italian peasants, fields of Tuscan sunflowers, and romantic mandolin music, then this is not the blog for you God once told me “My son, you can choose whether to have an enormous penis or a good memory”, it’s just that I can’t remember what my answer was! Una volta Dio mi disse: “Figliolo, puoi scegliere se avere un pisello enorme o una buona memoria”, solo che non mi ricordo più cosa ho risposto! Virginity is like a bread crumb, the bird passes and takes it away! La verginità è come una mollica di pane, passa l’uccello e se la porta via! … but we also have: uccello(literally: bird) and pisello(literally: pea) Two other common Italian words for vagina are: farfallina (literally: little butterfly) and patatina (literally: little potato)Įuphemisms for prick/dick abound in Italy, cazzoprobably being the most common … Logically, therefore, fica should be the fruit of the fico, but in this case both the tree and the fruit are fico Pay particular attention here because normally tree are masculine and fruits feminine, e.g. fico (masculine) is fig, fica (feminine) is cunt (also spelt figa). Hmmm … 1 meter 88, 26 years old, entrepreneur, 90-100 million a year. Particularly dangerous for the unwary foreigner are Italian euphemisms for cunt: Then we have segare (literally: to saw) which is used for male masturbation, hence farsi una sega (literally: to give oneself a saw) means to masturbate one self. Two other common euphemisms for fuck are: chiavare, literally ‘to use the key’ and fottere, to plant Yep … trombare (‘to trumpet’) is another euphemism for fuck! What’s so funny about a new neighbour who wants to get drunk and sweep all night long? Well, the verb scopare (to sweep) is one of the many Italian euphemisms for fuck. There are literally hundreds of sexual euphemisms in Italian, but in order to keep you out of trouble I’m going to narrow down the list to those words which have a double meaning, one perfectly innocent and the other potentially embarrassing.

funny words for pussy

In my article Italian False Friends I wrote: “If I were you, I’d be more concerned about the plethora of euphemistic words that refer to genitalia and sex … now those can be really embarrassing! Hmm, I suppose I’d better write a blog on the topic” Well folks, here it is!

funny words for pussy

With a title like that I wouldn’t be surprised if this turns out to be our most viewed post of 2015! WARNING: This Blog Contains Naughty Words and a joke with the word God in it!

Funny words for pussy